Sunday 16 February 2014

Why should it be mandatory to have Video Surveillance System in certain places in India?

As we glance through the pages of a daily newspaper with a steaming cup of tea in the morning or watch news channels on television, we are bound to spot a news where the police or administration authorities are solving some case with the help of CCTV footage. Be it an attack on somebody in an ATM or a high profile journalist’s case in Goa or the suicide of a minister’s wife in a five star hotel in Delhi. If we analyze these cases we might just be shocked to find out that the most vital clues have been received from CCTV footages. This strongly suggests that there should be some places, buildings, public institutions and business establishments where Video Surveillance should be made mandatory.


Now Rabolt’s take on places which should come under this list of mandatory places are:

1.      Residential apartments and premises: In a residential apartment and its premises numerous outsiders come in and go out regularly. The list includes delivery boys, courier delivery persons, laundry person, maids, cooks etc who on many instances are unknown people. There are many children who play in the premises, elderly people who takes walks and resident vehicles parked all over. Rabolt CCTV suggests video surveillance system to be made mandatory in all such gated communities and stand-alone apartments to ensure complete safety and security of all residents. 


2.      Commercial complexes: Commercial complexes like shopping malls, multiplexes, office complexes in India should also be under strict vigils of video surveillance. This will not only help prevent crime but also help in spotting misplaced belongings and overall functioning of these complexes more smoothly.


3.      Public places: According to Rabolt CCTV Camera public places like parks, jogging areas, bus stops and railway stations should also come under the scanner of video security. This will reduce crime rates which are common in these areas. Moreover digital data gathered from these images can help authorities plan services better. Say for example images collected from various bus stops at different hours of the day can give an idea of the requirement of frequency of buses. This can help municipalities plan bus timings in a more optimized way.


4.      National parks and water bodies: Rabolt Video Surveillance suggests to have security cameras installed across all national parks ,sanctuaries and other areas where wildlife conservation to maintain ecological  balance is of utmost importance. This will ensure surveillance of areas where human surveillance is not possible and reduce poaching and illegal damage of environmental assets.


5.      Places of pilgrimage: Rabolt CCTV camera India suggests installation of Video Security System across all important temples,  churches, mosques and other religious places. This will increase efficiency of handling crowd in these places as well as safety and security of people visiting such holy places.


Rabolt CCTV suggests that governments both at the national level and state levels should analyze these requirements in a thoughtful way and make installation of such video security systems mandatory in these places. There are authorities who have done this proactively but there is still a lot to be done. Rabolt believes in making India more secure in coming days.

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